Installation ============ Layered file protocols is under heavy development, and is only available in source form. When the project matures, pre-compiled binaries will be provided. Dependencies ------------ Run time: - fmtlib Build time: - C++11 compiler (tested on gcc, clang, and msvc) - cmake Documentation: - Doxygen - Sphinx - Breathe From source with cmake ---------------------- Layered file protocols is a cookie-cutter cmake project: .. code:: mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON cmake --build build --target install To build with fmtlib in header-only mode, for when you do not want a shared libfmt dependency, pass :code:`-DLFP_FMT_HEADER_ONLY=TRUE` to cmake when configuring. To build the documentation, you need doxygen, sphinx, and breathe. To have it built automatically, pass :code:`-DBUILD_DOC=TRUE` to cmake. Sphinx is invoked through python, and cmake looks for python2 first. If you only have sphinx for python3 (and you should), help cmake find the correct python by invoking cmake with :code:`-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python3``